What a Doctor Had to say about Zeolite
I started giving Liquid Zeolite when a lady that had been exposed to a strong chemical from cleaning her fire place about 3 months ago. She could not stop coughing and her face was a greyish colour. I had ordered a chest X-rays which came out normal. I offered her to take the Zeolite. One week later she came back, gave me a thumbs up, she was smiling, she had rosy cheeks and told me her cough was gone.
A 23 year old woman, who has been a chiropractic patient of mine for 3 years heard about liquid activated zeolite and told me she had genital warts. (These warts are known to be caused by a virus called HPV Papilloma virus, which is also known to cause cervical cancer). She had them burned, they came back, took medication and put medicated ointment on them without any change.
I told her she had nothing to lose by trying the Zeolite at 10 drops 3 times a day. One week later she complained they were bigger and painful. I told her to increase the drops to 15 at three times a day, she did. I saw her the next week but I forgot to inquire about them. The following week I asked her and she told me that last week she wanted to let me know but forgot. She had this big smile on her face and told me one morning she woke up and they were all gone!! Four weeks since then and she is still free of them!
A lady has been suffering for a few days of nasal congestion, stuffy and runny nose, had lost her voice and her chest was congested. She took 10 drops of the Zeolite in the morning and by the afternoon her voice was back, her nose was cleared and three days later her chest was completely normal. Also for the first time in years she was able to have a daily bowel movement.
Two years ago, my daughter had a severe tonsillitis (painful inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacterial infection). She was away at school and was put on a course of antibiotics. Despite the antibiotics she was in bed for 5 days. Last week she started to become ill with tonsillitis again. She had been taking liquid activated Zeolite for 10 days, so I told her to increase it to 15 drops 4 times a day. Two days later she got up and felt so good she said it was as if she had not been sick at all.
Every day I tell my patients and my friends to take this wonderful product. I have been taking it for 3 weeks now. I have great energy already, and with the Zeolite my running is even better!! I'm using this product as well as a healthy diet, good quality nutrients from whole food, exercise and no smoking, so I can live a long, active and healthy life. I suggest everyone should do the same.
Dr. J. Becker. Testimony.